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VS 2008 Snippet Designer

One of my favorite features in Visual Studio is Snippets. I find them very useful when trying to code something really really fast. Till now I had to write them all by hand and then import them on VS, well not any more.

Matthew has released a first version of the Snippet Designer. In it you’ll find:

  • A Snippet Editor hosted in the IDE which lets you edit the code, make replacements and change snippet properties
  • A Snippet Explorer which lets you search for Snippet files on your computer an quickly open and edit them.
  • A context menu item inside of the VB, C# and XML editor that lets you export any highlighted code into the snippet editor

You can find more information about it in Mathew’s blog

Published inUncategorized


  1. Hi nice post, i have come across your site once before when searching for something so i was just wondering something. I love your theme, would it happen to be a free one i can download, or is it a custom one you had made? In a few weeks i will be launching my own site, i’m not great with designs but i really like the style of your site so it would be cool if i could find (or pay for) something with a similar look.

  2. This theme is not mine. Scroll to the bottom and follow the links to find who made it.

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