When you work as a freelancer and are a father of two young boys it’s almost impossible finding a place at home where you can concentrate and work. So most of the times you end up at some local Wi-Fi enabled coffee shop enjoying a cup of coffee while tapping code on the keyboard. But what happens if you want to meet and talk with a client?
So you can understand my excitement when I read about Joey’s discovery, Cloud Free Agent Espresso Bar, a place in Toronto Canada where you can have a coffee and work or host a business meeting if you have to.
This got me searching through the internet to see if something similar was available in Greece and so that you know there’s actually a similar place in Athens Greece and it’s called coLabWorkspace.
Although this place has a different business model from a coffee shop (coffee is free but you’re charged by the hour) and although it’s pretty expensive (in a coffee shop you can order coffee and sit there for hours, while in coLab you pay by the hour) can be used for the same purpose as the place in Canada.
I just wish there were more places like that in Athens, cheaper and preferably near my place.
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